The St John's English Library is open Wednesday afternoons, 14.30-17.30 or Saturday mornings, 9.30-12.30. Conveniently located next to the church.


S C R A B B L E and B A C K G A M M O N: Join us for coffee and a friendly game of scrabble Saturday mornings, 10h30-12h30 or Wednesday afternoons, 14h30-17h30. All are welcome.

Jazz @ St John's Church, 1st Friday of the month,

Friday 07 February, 18h30

15€, tickets at the door. All are welcome

‘Beautiful Menton, Monaco and the Riviera’.
Watercolours by Mark Armstrong
Friday 14 February 18h30
All proceeds from sales will be donated to St John’s Church, Menton.

Over 4,500 English books and magazines

for adults and children. Refreshments available for a

small donation. For more information

about the library, please click HERE

Livres et magazines en anglais pour adultes et enfants.

To view the Library Facebook page

Click HERE

 Click below to download the Library Membership form.

St John's English Library Membership Form
Join the Library to check out books, to be notified for upcoming events and special occasions.
SJEL Membership Form 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 55.7 KB